Cayden Cailean
The Drunken God
The Drunken Hero
The Lucky Drunk
The Merry Drunk
The Merry Insurgent
Cayden Cailean (pronounced KAY-den KAY-lee-en)1 is one of the Ascended: those who achieved godhood by passing the Test of the Starstone. Because of the way in which he passed the Test, he is also known as the "Lucky Drunk", "Drunken Hero", or the "Accidental God".23
Before he successfully completed the Test of the Starstone in 2765 AR,4 the man known as Cayden Cailean was a Taldan sellsword and freedom fighter working out of Absalom. He strongly believed that no man should hold power over another, and went so far as to leave jobs unfinished rather than violate his principles. His refusal to compromise his ideals was as well known as his love for drink, and the combination of the two resulted in a less-than-favorable reputation among potential employers. Ultimately, however, the latter would lead to the man's apotheosis.52
Cailean never planned to become a god, but when a drunk friend challenged him to take the Test of the Starstone, an equally inebriated Cailean accepted, forgetting that only two mortals, Aroden and Norgorber, had passed the test. Another story claims (to Cayden's chagrin6) that Cayden was prompted to take the Test after his advances had been rejected by the goddess Calistria herself. Legends abound regarding the challenges Cailean faced at the Starstone, but no one knows the truth of what happened. Regardless, after three days had passed, the sellsword—to everyone's surprise, including his own—emerged as a deity. He could not remember how he had passed the test, but continued as a god in much the same way as he had when he was a mortal: doing whatever he wanted, fighting for just causes, and enjoying the drink.57
Cayden Cailean holds freedom and adventure in high regard, and opposes tyranny and oppression on principle. He willingly accepts challenges when they are issued, although not as a point of honor; he sees no shame in retreating when necessary. One instance of note is the fall of the devil Salicotal, who grew infuriated with Cailean during a duel of dares, and attacked—only to be defeated—at the hands of the god.2
Cayden Cailean is an unassuming deity, and appears much as he did before completing the Test of the Starstone. He is usually depicted as a bronze-skinned man wearing chainmail and holding a tankard of ale in one hand, sometimes accompanied by a rapier in the other. He is often shown in combat against hosts of devils, and is sometimes depicted wearing broken shackles, representing his pursuit of freedom for both body and mind.27
Cayden Cailean's favor might be rewarded with the discovery of fresh drink, while his displeasure may result in such beverages turning inexplicably sour.52
Cayden Cailean makes a point of avoiding trouble with his peers as much as possible, although he responds to challenges quickly, and has little patience for the less-benign divine powers.
Warm relationships
Cailean particularly favors Desna, Sarenrae, and Shelyn (whom he enjoys serenading).8 Torag shares the Lucky Drunk's love of ale, and the two have been known to compare human and dwarven brews on occasion.2 Cayden also has a strong tie to the Taldan god Kurgess, whom legend claims was raised to godhood by Cayden and Desna himself.9 Cayden is allied with Milani as well.10 Both former mortals share similar views regarding personal freedom and his herald, Thais, uses a halberd borrowed from the half-elven goddess.11 He has a notably strong friendship with Trudd and the two are often involved romantically.12
The god Aroden respected Cayden because of the special way he had overcome the challenges of the Starstone.13
Neutral relationships
Cayden generally finds Erastil, Abadar, Gozreh, and Irori tolerable to be around, but difficult to agree with on certain matters (Erastil is too somber, Abadar too tolerant of oppression, Gozreh angers too quickly over the transformation of wild lands to farms that grow the grains required for brewing, and Irori is too stuffy).86 Furthermore, there is a slight rivalry between Cayden's faithful and those of Irori, as the latter's worshipers believe the Accidental God's method of apotheosis was cheating.14 On the other hand, Iomedae finds Cayden to be undisciplined and irresponsible.6 Cayden grudges rumours that he only took the Test of the Starstone to impress the beautiful goddess of lust Calistria, and he has learned to be wary of her after more than one bitter occasion where she has gotten the best of him,6 but the two deities remain allies and intermittent lovers.1516
Inimical relationships
While Cayden has no patience for evil peers, he actively opposes Asmodeus who is diametrically opposed to Cayden morally and ethically. Cayden rarely misses an opportunity to strike at the Prince of Darkness.6
Planar allies
Creatures that exemplify bravery and freedom hold special honor in the mind of the Drunken Hero. Cayhounds, satyrs, and rust monsters are prime examples.2 His divine servitor race are the ataxians, humorous and boisterous pixie-like creatures with an uncanny ability to find the nearest tavern.17 On Elysium (and sometimes beyond), Cayden Cailean is also served by a number of races that share his philosophy, including azatas, cayhounds, and fey.18
Unique servants
- Little Thunder
- This celestial cayhound is the son of Thunder, Cayden Cailean's pet mastiff. He enjoys strong beer and battle, but goes out of his way to ensure the safety of innocents.2
- Luthier, the Knight of the Vineyard
- At first glance, it would seem Luthier's love for fine wine has dulled both his senses and wits. But in times of need, the Knight of the Vineyard becomes alert and ready to fight. His agility and precision in battle make him a deadly enemy and a valued ally.2
- Thais, the Accidental Herald
- Before rising to the status of Herald of the Accidental God, Thais was a prostitute and friend of the then mortal Cayden Cailean. The two adventured together on more than one occasion, and after her death the now divine Cayden claimed her spirit and placed her in her current role.11
- Valon, the Spirit of Spirits
- A goodly priest and historian who was killed in battle, this ghost insists that beer is the greatest of mankind's innovations. Valon dearly misses the body he once had, and readily accepts the opportunity to possess an individual and once again experience the world of the living in exchange for his assistance.2

The faithful of Cayden Cailean hold their patron's two loves, freedom and drink, as the pillars of his church. Free to seek their own means of venerating the Drunken Hero, it's not uncommon for followers to take part in events involving one or both of these. The creation and drinking of spirits is often considered a noble and holy, though not formal, pastime. Likewise, the act of fighting for freedom, both that of others and of oneself, is highly respected and honored; both liberators and chevaliers are welcome additions to the Lucky Drunk's faith.5219
Members of Cailean's church are active anywhere on and in Golarion, but worship of the Lucky Drunk thrives in Absalom, Andoran, Galt, the River Kingdoms, the Shackles, and Taldor,7 and among Ulfen,20 Taldans,21 Varisians,22 dwarves,23 gnomes,24 halflings,25 aiuvarins,26 and dromaars throughout the Inner Sea region.27
Despite the church's promotion of drink, the faithful draw a line between drinking for merriment and drinking to excess. The latter is seen as the abuse of one of the deity's favored things, and as such is frowned upon. Similarly, although the faithful of Cayden Cailean are known to actively seek out danger and adventure, they recognize the need to withdraw when a situation turns sour. Stupidity does not equal bravery, and bravery should never be sought at the bottom of a keg.2
Most who follow Cayden Cailean are simple people who seek simple pleasures in life. Those who brew and sell alcoholic drink often revere the Drunken Hero, as do those who partake of such fare. Adventurers seeking to promote goodness often find a sense of kinship with the deity, their goals of freedom and adventure mirroring those of the god of bravery.2
Followers of Cayden Cailean who devote themselves to brewing, distilling, and crafting alcoholic and magical beverages are known as brewkeepers. These talented and celebrated faithful can distill spells into potent beverages, enhance potions with alcoholic chasers, and brawl with a tankard as effectively as if it were a mace.28
Cayden Cailean's clergy is comprised primarily of clerics, though a smattering of druids and bards can also be counted among their number. In the rare instances where any structure exists, the church favors a loose hierarchy. Typically, priests are free to spread the ideals of their faith as they see fit; the priests of the Lucky Drunk are often barkeeps, freedom fighters, or adventurers traveling alone or as part of a group. Matters of ceremony and high society are often held as secondary considerations to such individuals, and the clergy reflects this by limiting its formal dress to a simple brown tunic or robe and a wine-red stole bearing the god's ale mug symbol. Many members also include a tankard as part of their formal garb, for luck and as a matter of practicality.52 Before attempting a particularly difficult or stressful task, followers of the Accidental God will often pour out a bit of ale on the ground.7
Temples and shrines
Few buildings exist that serve primarily as a house dedicated to the worship of Cayden Cailean. However, smaller shrines to the Lucky Drunk are common in alehouses, inns, and breweries. When seeking divine assistance from such a house of worship, it's expected for to partake in its more worldly offerings; although such temples often donate their earnings to benefit the community, they are still run as businesses. The church also sponsors a large number of orphanages, and it's not uncommon for children from such locations to take the surname Cailean when they leave.2
Holy sites
In the southeastern River Kingdom of Mivon stands a bald hill covered in standing stones that make it look like a crown. Every few years, the standing stones expand to become the Feasting Hall of Cayden Cailean, and it is rumored that the Accidental God himself takes part in the festivities there.29
Religious texts
Cayden Cailean is not known to have taken the time to write a book or manual describing his divine teachings. Instead, he chooses to let his actions before and after attaining divinity serve as an example to his followers.2
- Placard of Wisdom
- Consisting of no more than a few lines of text, this writing usually takes the form of a simple wall-hanging that summarizes the traits that should be embraced by the followers of the Drunken Hero.2 While the text itself can vary from place to place, the generally idea remains the same of: "Do good, enjoy life, have a drink now and then, and stand up for what you believe in."30
Celebration is a key component in the worship of Cayden Cailean, and there is always something worth celebrating in the minds of those who follow the Lucky Drunk.2
- First Brewing
- Held in early autumn, roughly a month after a community's first harvest, this day is dedicated to the sampling of the drinks brewed from that harvest.231
- Ascension Day
- The 11th of Kuthona is celebrated as the anniversary of Cayden Cailean's rise to divinity, though the actual date of the event has long been forgotten by all.2
- Merrymead
- On 2 Calistril, the faithful celebrate the end of the winter's overwhelming gloom.31
- Starstone Brewers
- A loose organization of Cayden Cailean's worshipers.32
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality that the god favors, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to it. Cayden Cailean's favored animals include hounds, eagles, and animals that have escaped captivity.33
Amongst the traditional proverbs used by Caydenites are the following:
Here's to Cayden! May he show us wisdom in the bottom of a glass.34
Paizo published major articles about Cayden Cailean in Children of the Void, Inner Sea Gods, Lost Omens Gods & Magic, and Divine Mysteries.
For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.
- ↑ “Appendices” in Campaign Setting, 246. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 “Cayden Cailean” in Children of the Void, 56–63. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Cayden Cailean” in Divine Mysteries, 50. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Time, The Cosmos, and the Great Beyond” in Gazetteer, 20. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 “Chapter 3: Religion” in Campaign Setting, 161. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Inner Sea Gods, 42. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 “Deities” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 219. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 “Cayden Cailean” in Children of the Void, 62. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Other Gods” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 229. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Milani” in Inner Sea Faiths, 75. Paizo Inc., 2016 .
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 “Bestiary” in Children of the Void, 86–87. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Chapter 3: Highhelm Options” in Highhelm, 123. Paizo Inc., 2023 .
- ↑ “Aroden, the Last Azlanti” in A Song of Silver, 73. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- ↑ “Deities” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 222. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Gods of the Inner Sea” in Gods & Magic, 16. Paizo Inc., 2020 .
- ↑ Inner Sea Gods, 34. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- ↑ Inner Sea Gods, 283. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- ↑ Inner Sea Gods. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- ↑ “Faith” in Second Darkness, 24–25. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Ulfen” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 21. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Taldans” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 19. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Varisians” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 22. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Dwarves” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 24. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Gnomes” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 26. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Halflings” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 27. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Half-Elves” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 28. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Half-Orcs” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 29. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Brewkeeper” in Paths of the Righteous, 6–7. Paizo Inc., 2016 .
- ↑ “Mivon” in Guide to the River Kingdoms, 30–31. Paizo Inc., 2010 .
- ↑ Inner Sea Gods, 41. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 “Social: Religious Holidays” in Faiths of Purity, 30. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Organizations” in Faiths of Purity, 23. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ Animal Archive, inside back cover. Paizo Inc., 2013 .
- ↑ “Introduction” in Inner Sea Taverns, 2. Paizo Inc., 2018 .
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